Die Suche ergab 3 Treffer

von peteralan
Mittwoch 9. August 2017, 13:17
Forum: Technik
Thema: Anzahl der zugelassenen Personen
Antworten: 12
Zugriffe: 6063

Re: Anzahl der zugelassenen Personen

Hello, Austria is also on Lake Constance. Just reading the information for the construction and equipment of pleasure vehicles on Lake, published by Schiffahrtsamt Bodenseekreis, read, that with the number of zuässigen persons (P), the following formula can be used: P = (L x B): 2 The (7,60 mx 2,50 ...
von peteralan
Dienstag 8. August 2017, 14:36
Forum: English Forum
Thema: new main sail - how much m2
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 7882

Re: new main sail - how much m2

The regular main sail of the Dehlya's 22 is 14m2 and reading the forum, etc., I understand this is already quite a lot of sail. When I questioned Elvstrom they informed me that laminate and chosen material would give 2m2 more than a normal crosscut sail and would be fine for the Dehlya 22. Lat Appar...
von peteralan
Freitag 4. August 2017, 08:18
Forum: Börse
Thema: Sprayhood 25iger
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 12749

Re: Sprayhood 25iger

Just start a new post and press "Load draft", then the text is there again.

Alternatively, in the personal area, you will find all the designs and you can edit, save and also Raus Kopie ren.

Many greetings
Gildan Mens T-shirts