Die Suche ergab 12 Treffer

von Stefertje
Samstag 11. Mai 2019, 09:08
Forum: Verkauf
Thema: Klappruder dehlya 22 mit arbeit
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 9371

Re: Klappruder dehlya 22 mit arbeit


Hereby some pictures of the rudder.
Anybody interested?
von Stefertje
Sonntag 21. April 2019, 21:25
Forum: Verkauf
Thema: Klappruder dehlya 22 mit arbeit
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 9371

Re: Klappruder dehlya 22 mit arbeit

Still for sale!
Anybody interested?
von Stefertje
Montag 19. November 2018, 20:52
Forum: Verkauf
Thema: Klappruder dehlya 22 mit arbeit
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 9371

Re: Klappruder dehlya 22 mit arbeit

Hi All,

Here are the photo's of the rudder.
https://www.icloud.com/photos/#0inQVfKz ... W15W11DztA
von Stefertje
Donnerstag 15. November 2018, 21:33
Forum: Verkauf
Thema: Klappruder dehlya 22 mit arbeit
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 9371

Re: Klappruder dehlya 22 mit arbeit

Sorry for that! I will make some photos this weekend. Can you pm me your email address?

Thanks, stef
von Stefertje
Mittwoch 14. November 2018, 16:57
Forum: English Forum
Thema: Self tailing winches for Genua
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 14268

Re: Self tailing winches for Genua

Thanks for the reactions!
I think the clamp cleats are possibly the best solution for the DY22.
von Stefertje
Dienstag 13. November 2018, 18:18
Forum: Verkauf
Thema: Klappruder dehlya 22 mit arbeit
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 9371

Re: Klappruder dehlya 22 mit arbeit

Hi, sorry for my late reaction. The rudder is still available! Are you still interested?
von Stefertje
Dienstag 13. November 2018, 10:34
Forum: Ankauf
Thema: Searching for: easylock mini 3-way 2x
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 4228

Searching for: easylock mini 3-way 2x

Hi all,

I’m searching for 2 easylock mini 3-way for my dehlya 22.
Please provide price including shipping to the Netherlands.


Best regards,
von Stefertje
Montag 5. November 2018, 19:18
Forum: English Forum
Thema: Self tailing winches for Genua
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 14268

Self tailing winches for Genua

Hi all, I’m looking for self failing winches to fit on the back of my boat in order to tension the jib and/or genua. I now have the size 6 lewmar single speed winches and looking for replacement. Does anybody have these self tailing winches on their boat? What size, brand., etc etc. Would like to he...
von Stefertje
Freitag 21. September 2018, 22:02
Forum: English Forum
Thema: Mast stuck in mastfoot when turning upright
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 8140

Re: Mast stuck in mastfoot when turning upright

Hi Claus, Olivier, Thanks for your responses, they are really helpful. The only thing I still don’t know exactly is wether or not you can leave your stays tightened when putting the mast up and down. For the rest I ordered a mastverstarkung set. The pivot point are surely worn out. Thanks again, Stef
von Stefertje
Mittwoch 5. September 2018, 14:55
Forum: English Forum
Thema: Mast stuck in mastfoot when turning upright
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 8140

Mast stuck in mastfoot when turning upright

Hi All, My german isn't very good so that's why i put this in the english forum. I have a questiopn regarding my mast. When i want to go underneath a bridge i turn my mast down, first you get the bolt out at the forestay then you connect the rope on the winch in the cockpit, connect the steel pool o...