Setup of mast & rigging

Beiträge: 44
Registriert: Sonntag 10. April 2011, 19:29

Setup of mast & rigging

Beitrag von mrnoorlander »

Next weekend I hope to finish some repairs and then the time has come to raise the mast and setup the rigging.
Now my problem - it's my first time !

From the manual and documents on the website I think i'll be ok with raising the mast. However, the manual and all that is written in the forum about the rigging is just a bit too technical German for me.

Does any one has a good drawing (or photo's) of which shroud goes were (both mast and deck sides) and what tentions (kg) they need to be (incl. fore & aft stay)

Thank you.

Beiträge: 142
Registriert: Dienstag 21. September 2010, 23:15

Re: Setup of mast & rigging

Beitrag von Sauerländer »

Hallo Michael

Good luck for your repair! With the right materials and a little bit time and patient our boats allow a lot of DIY work.
Regarding the rigging please have a look into this photo documentation
maybe it could help a little. But I think the best way is to find an owner of a Dehlya who can help the first time.

Best regards

Beiträge: 44
Registriert: Sonntag 10. April 2011, 19:29

Re: Setup of mast & rigging

Beitrag von mrnoorlander »

Thank you Ulrich

I will study the photo's.
I think there is no Dehler Dehlya 22 owner where I am; Medway river, Kent UK (just before you enter the Thames toward London; from sea)
However, I might be wrong.
Any one who lives in that area?

Also can any one advise on the tension I need to put on the different riggings?

Beiträge: 44
Registriert: Sonntag 10. April 2011, 19:29

Re: Setup of mast & rigging

Beitrag von mrnoorlander »

Have I translated the following correct for a Dehlya 22:

1. Oberwanten:
Are the outer shrouds and go from the top of the mast, over the spreaders, to the aft shroud connector on deck
Tension 136 kg for a Dehlya 22 (and 142 for Dehlya 25) (are these values correct?)

2. Unterwanten:
Are the aft inner shrouds and go from the aft side of the mast, just under the spreaders, to the forward shroud connector on deck?
Tension ?kg for a Dehlya 22

3. Babystage:
Are the forward inner shrouds and go from the forward side of the mast, just under the spreaders, to the shroud connector frame (one that is connect to the mast foot)
Tension ?kg for a Dehlya 22

Also I found the following shroud Tensions when I searched the forum:
Oberwanten - 160 kg
Unterwanten - 130 kg
Babystage - 70 - 80 kg
Are these values correct? These values are different then the 136kg mentioned else were on the forum. If yes are they the same for both the D22 and D25?

Does the forestay have a certain tension as well ?

Beiträge: 143
Registriert: Mittwoch 11. August 2010, 11:54

Re: Setup of mast & rigging

Beitrag von Libi »

Hello Michael,
In his manual Dehler describes the proper rigg tension on page 7. If the mast stands, bring the backstay with a high tension on the mast, that he was up 1 - 2 mast-thicknesses bends forward (like the bow of Robin Hood) ;) (I only used 1 mast-thicknesses). This can be checked with the main halyard. Then pull the upper shrouds to such an extent that when releasing the backstay a slight bend in the mast remains. Then, pull the remaining bending with the lower shrouds out of the mast. One has to also pay attention to the mast to the right and left remains straight. The auxiliary shrouds should be only tightened by hand. I've done this for the first time too this spring and it worked. I hope my English was understandable and I could help you.

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Registriert: Dienstag 12. August 2008, 21:58
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Re: Setup of mast & rigging

Beitrag von Detlev »

Hallo Michael,

my English is very small, but i hope, you understand me.

Please NO Pressure by the "Babystage"!!!!!

The "Babystage are used only for the Mast in the Time of Making down or Makink high.
When you have a Pressure of the Babystage", then you become Pressure un the Tubes between the Mast-Feet and Danger on Breaking on the Points between Tubes and Ship.

Goodewind Ahoi!

... der Weg ist das Ziel!
Beiträge: 44
Registriert: Sonntag 10. April 2011, 19:29

Re: Setup of mast & rigging

Beitrag von mrnoorlander »

Detlev: Thanks - message clear and well understood! Baby stage is for raising the mast only - so no tention on this other then by hand.

Achin: Thanks - Do you mean the Dehler 22 manual? I read this but it's still not 100% clear to me. Your explaination however, is very good. Do I understand it correct:

a. If the mast stands, bring the backstay with a high tension on the mast, that he was up 1 - 2 mast-thicknesses bends forward (like the bow of Robin Hood) ;)
Question: do you mean the mast to bent forward or aft? With the backstay you can only bent if aft and with the forestay you can only bent it forward (I think)

b. Then pull the upper shrouds to such ....
Question: Do you mean the outer shrouds (Oberwanten) that go from the top of the mast, over the spreaders, to the aft shroud connector on deck?

c. a slight bend in the mast remains. Then, pull the remaining bending with the lower shrouds out of the mas
Question 1: Is this bent forward or aft?
Question 2: Do you mean the inner shrouds (Unterwantenand) that go from the aft side of the mast, just under the spreaders, to the forward shroud connector on deck?

I really should buy you guys on the forum a beer - well deserved <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="L
Beiträge: 32
Registriert: Samstag 28. August 2010, 17:58

Re: Setup of mast & rigging

Beitrag von Bambus5 »

Hi Michael,
one correction: the outer strouds go to the forward connectors on deck, the inner shrouds go to the aft connectors on deck. The lower part of the outer shrouds are parallel to the mast.
The final bend in the mast has moved the tip of the mast to aft and the middle of the mast to the front. This bend is similar to what you get if you tighten the backstay.
PS: The backstay is an "Achterstag". what's the english name for Backstagen (they go from the middle of the mast to the aft)?
Beiträge: 143
Registriert: Mittwoch 11. August 2010, 11:54

Re: Setup of mast & rigging

Beitrag von Libi »

Achin: Thanks - Do you mean the Dehler 22 manual? I read this but it's still not 100% clear to me. Your explaination however, is very good. Do I understand it correct:

Forward and aft - words are sometimes a little confusing ;)
I try to explain by a picture.

Good luck!
Masstrim.jpg (98.94 KiB) 8691 mal betrachtet
Beiträge: 44
Registriert: Sonntag 10. April 2011, 19:29

Re: Setup of mast & rigging

Beitrag von mrnoorlander »

A picture says more than a thousand words 8-) all clear!

You did not mentioned the forestay; Is my asumption correct that you do this as the last one - just hand tight ?

Intend to raise the mast next weekend - will let you know how it went
