Log, Depth and HIN nr.

Beiträge: 44
Registriert: Sonntag 10. April 2011, 19:29

Log, Depth and HIN nr.

Beitrag von mrnoorlander »

Hello All,

I am new to this form and a new owner and already received good help finding a trailer. Thanks!
and yes my German is improving fast - with only a little bit of help from google translate <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="L
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Registriert: Dienstag 23. August 2005, 16:55
Wohnort: Gladbeck

Re: Log, Depth and HIN nr.

Beitrag von Uli »

Hello Michael,
you must fix the sounder in front of the watertank. Look at the photos. They show you a really bad work of a shipyard, which don`t know anything about the watertank. The shipyard drilled holes in the tank.

I hope, the photo can help.
In my Galery you can look at the pictures of Dehlya "Uli". There are photos of my watertank, closed by a shipyard at the bottom of the boat an opened in the salon of the boat.

DSC_1694.JPG (128.06 KiB) 12802 mal betrachtet
DSC_1693.jpg (144.29 KiB) 12802 mal betrachtet
Beiträge: 44
Registriert: Sonntag 10. April 2011, 19:29

Re: Log, Depth and HIN nr.

Beitrag von mrnoorlander »

Thanks Uli,

I also checked out your photo's as recommend by you.

I assume Is the area forward of the water ballast tank is also a double hull? Or is this the single?
Meaning will a transducer for a single hull fit or do I need to fit some sort of tube arrangement (or a special "long" double hull sensor?). I cannot make this out from the photo's

Also any ideas how to find the new building / hull number if the serial number plate in the cockpit has become unreadable?

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Registriert: Donnerstag 2. Juli 2009, 10:42

Re: Log, Depth and HIN nr.

Beitrag von Claus_22 »

Hi Michael,

I'd like to give some information regarding your inquiry how to get the right building/hull number:

The sail number could indicate those numbers. But those ships have generally two numbers. First three digits determine the construction style of the boot (year in which the ship was build, equipment-, style varaint, etc.
Then you will find another three digits which is definetly the sail number. Example: Dehlya 22 has the following number "280-577" "577" = Sailnumber

So only the sail-number (if its correct) is not sufficient at all. If you want to have the correct number please check your boot and try to find the first three digits. Normally you can find those numbers inside the "Backskiste"(locker).
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
Zuletzt geändert von Claus_22 am Mittwoch 13. April 2011, 09:35, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 44
Registriert: Sonntag 10. April 2011, 19:29

Re: Log, Depth and HIN nr.

Beitrag von mrnoorlander »

Hello Claus,

thanks for that, I will have a look in the locker.

Kind regards
Beiträge: 1090
Registriert: Donnerstag 2. Juli 2009, 10:42

Re: Log, Depth and HIN nr.

Beitrag von Claus_22 »

Hi Michael,

you are welcome!

"I assume Is the area forward of the water ballast tank is also a double hull? Or is this the single? -> It's not a double hull it's a single hull!
Meaning will a transducer for a single hull fit or do I need to fit some sort of tube arrangement (or a special "long" double hull sensor?). I cannot make this out from the photo's" I guess a long tube is needed!

Best - Claus
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Registriert: Montag 10. Dezember 2012, 16:10

Re: Log, Depth and HIN nr.

Beitrag von tdurrett »

Requesting a followup on your question searching forthe Hull number location--I've just bought a "project" Dehler 22 anhd have the same issue with registering my boat with Texas Parks & Wildlife. I looked at each "locker" on my boat (anchor, port and starboard cockpit, and cockpit deck lockers--
no hull number. The Dehler 25 manual mentions the hull number being displayed on the "starboard" side of the boat--no luck there either.

The boat's original owner says that he had found the number but can't remember where--but then again he gave me a bill of sale and a Florida
title with the wrong VIN and wrong boat during the sale, so go figure! :roll:
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Registriert: Dienstag 23. August 2005, 16:55
Wohnort: Gladbeck

Re: Log, Depth and HIN nr.

Beitrag von Uli »

excuse me, my english is not good.
The number is on the left side of the boat in box you are sitting on during sailing, in german it`s called "Backbordbackskiste". (google translator calls it "backcrate")
look for it with a flashlight.

Good luck

Beiträge: 1090
Registriert: Donnerstag 2. Juli 2009, 10:42

Re: Log, Depth and HIN nr.

Beitrag von Claus_22 »


Maybe an additional English expression for "Backskiste" is "cockpit locker". I hope this helps.(see above)
There is only a small and very inconspicuous sticker or a tape which shows the Dehler hull numbers. I found the hull number at the port side of the boat. That's it.

All the best
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: Montag 10. Dezember 2012, 16:10

Re: Log, Depth and HIN nr.

Beitrag von tdurrett »

Thanks I found it on the port exterior wall of the locker! Now I need a translation -- the label shows "Schiffs Nr. 264 - 098".
My documents show a complete number of WZM640988485 -- what do the other numbers mean?
Port side
Port side
D22 VIN.jpg (411.47 KiB) 12497 mal betrachtet